Sunday, September 28, 2008

452 days left.....

Ok, so if we climb on New Year's Eve 2009, then we should be ready by Christmas 2009 (since that is about when we will fly out). I estimate that we have 452 days left to train and get ready, give or take a day or two.

I am still struggling with balancing fulltime work and fulltime school with training, but I have a renewed since of "oh crap, this is going to be here before I know it!". Which is good. 452 days is a good amount of time to prepare.

For my strength training, I am going to continue Fluidity when I can (new goal: be at the intermediate level by Thanksgiving). But also, I have discovered I can get in lunges, knee squats, half push-ups (off of table tops), and arm lifts nicely during work hours. It works out great because I spread the exercises out during the day so I don't get all sweaty, but I still get my strength training in.

As for cardio, I am just going to have to bite the bullet and go to the gym before work. I have started going into work later anyways (by later, I mean 8AM instead of 7AM or 6AM). However I still find myself getting up around 5:30 am or at least 3 times a week for now I will get up and get to the gym instead of lounging in bed. Then complete a long walk or hike on the weekends....eventually I will slowly up that to 5 days a week, but for right now, I will stick with 3 days + 1 weekend day of cardio. Better than nothing, and it will get me going again....

452 days left.....
