Saturday, June 13, 2009

Dream Deferred

A Dream Deferred
by Langston Hughes

What happens to a dream deferred?

Does it dry up
like a raisin in the sun?
Or fester like a sore--
And then run?
Does it stink like rotten meat?
Or crust and sugar over--
like a syrupy sweet?

Maybe it just sags
like a heavy load.

Or does it explode?

Kilimanjaro is still there. And I am still going to climb it.

Back at Weight Watchers this week.

Saturday, January 24, 2009


Everyday I get reminded that time is ticking away. Believe it or not, that little clock is great! It stays in my truck and each day I think of Terri and the coming Kilimanjaro trip. Can't wait, it's just not ticking fast enough.

The property preservation work is going great. It just what I want to do. In-between those jobs,I have been remodeling one of our downtown properties. I have lost more weight doing this than walking. Who would have thought!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

The Beauty of L.A.

There is actually a raw restaurant, that makes raw food to go, right around the corner from my apartment. I like when things get easier. :-) So far, I have tried 5 of their dishes and all have been good. It is great to know I can pick up raw anytime I am feeling lazy, or genuinely too tired, to prepare something on my own.

I think by January I should have this new food thing down....then I will start my training again. For now - the few push-ups, knee squats, lunges, etc, I can get in during the day will have to suffice.

I have also successfully made ice cream with my new blender - no need for an ice cream maker. It is delicious - much less calories than regular ice cream (although not really "light") - and it is Raw and creamy and yummy. It is a perfect alternative to buying ice cream at the store when the sweet tooth the raw restaurant has a Raw Apple Torte which is amazing as well....

All this food talk...making me hungry! I look forward to focusing on my training again.


Saturday, December 13, 2008

You Get What You Pay For

I tried the celery root and apple soup again, this time with my new blender. What a difference. With the old blender - mush. With the new blender - creamy goodness. Compare the two pictures. I really like this soup too. It is extremely filling - but does make a mess in the kitchen as you have to chop, blend, strain, blend again. It was worth it though. :-)


Thursday, December 11, 2008

RAW "Spaghetti"

I got a fancy blender and a fancy spiral slicer - and both turn out to be worth every penny. :-) At least my first impressions are good. I made spaghetti and meatballs for dinner tonight. The spaghetti is actually zucchini and squash, spiraled nicely and with very little effort in my new slicer. The marinara sauce is pretty much the same (tomatoes, basil, bell pepper, olive oil, garlic, etc) - only not cooked. And the meatballs are walnuts, garlic, olive oil, etc chopped and meshed together. That is spaghetti raw - and I like it!

I was surprised at how fast it was to make. I didn't time myself - but it seemed like I was just getting started when the meal was ready. It's weird. It's like you are prepping everything to cook - but instead of cooking it, you eat it. :-) When I get better at it - this meal will probably be faster to make than bringing water to boil to make real pasta. That makes me happy because I envisioned going raw as having to slave over a blender all day long. I am sure some recipes will be involved - but this one was quick and easy.

I still need to learn how to season - or not to season. The flavor is too much. I am use to how things taste cooked. The same food raw has such a different flavor and texture.... And I am full. It almost feels like I ate real pasta. Yeah for raw spaghetti!!

Afterwards, I tried ice cream again (made from dates, almonds, water, agave nectar to sweeten, and a little vanilla). I was hoping I could blend it to get ice cream-ish feel, but this recipe is really for an ice cream maker - which I will probably buy - at some point. :-) My blender is excellent for making green smoothies though - hopefully I will get to make that this weekend.

I am happy I am liking raw food so far. Being full and satisfied after eating vegetables?? Who knew. I suppose the walnuts in the "meatballs" helps with the fullness. But still - I was expecting to have to grab something else after dinner... :-)

Score one for raw.


Sunday, November 30, 2008

My First Raw Meal

Well, I created my first raw meal (following a recipe - mostly) - a celery root and apple "soup" mixed with black truffle and olive oils, salt, pepper, lemon juice, and coconut butter. It does taste better than it looks....however...

My blender is horrible! The raw food books said a good blender is key, and now I know they were not lying. My blender couldn't even touch the celery root - I had to juice it first in my juicer, and then try to blend the left over pulp and juice together - and the blender couldn't even handle that! So I ended up using a hand mixer, flinging stuff all over my kitchen, and ending up with mush instead of soup. But oh well, it is still edible...however....

Raw foods have incredible flavor, almost too much. The books said this, but I didn't really believe them on this point either. They said don't add a lot of extra seasoning like you have to with cooked foods. I added extra salt, pepper, coconut butter, and lemon "just in case". Every bite is like a little kick to the tongue!

I am happy though to have found a healthy way to "cook". I will definitely need a better blender....and will have to rethink how I season...but I think this won't be so bad. One raw meal a day for now.


Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Leaving on that midnight train to Georgia....

Well, more like the 6AM flight out of LAX to ATL.... :-) I will be in Atlanta for the Thanksgiving holiday from tomorrow until Sat. Woohoo!
