Sunday, December 21, 2008

The Beauty of L.A.

There is actually a raw restaurant, that makes raw food to go, right around the corner from my apartment. I like when things get easier. :-) So far, I have tried 5 of their dishes and all have been good. It is great to know I can pick up raw anytime I am feeling lazy, or genuinely too tired, to prepare something on my own.

I think by January I should have this new food thing down....then I will start my training again. For now - the few push-ups, knee squats, lunges, etc, I can get in during the day will have to suffice.

I have also successfully made ice cream with my new blender - no need for an ice cream maker. It is delicious - much less calories than regular ice cream (although not really "light") - and it is Raw and creamy and yummy. It is a perfect alternative to buying ice cream at the store when the sweet tooth the raw restaurant has a Raw Apple Torte which is amazing as well....

All this food talk...making me hungry! I look forward to focusing on my training again.


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